Student Film Showcase, 6.4.14, Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, VT
Students premiered their films to a large audience of community members at Chandler on June 4, 2014. After the films, a Q & A with the film-makers lasted well into the evening. Audience feedback included many affirmations of the power of the student work. (Add here.) (Johanna, if you send me some of the feedback forms, which Iíd still love to see, I can excerpt and put in here. Iíd also just like to have them here on-file with our new Director of Project Based Learning at RU.)
Community Showing, 6.23.14, Old Town Hall, Brookfield, VT
Town of Brookfield and Randolph Union partnered to bring Bess Obrienís powerful documentary, The Hungry Heart, [link} to a showing at the Old Town Hall. We opened the event with a showing of Erinís film, “I Wanted To Live,” about the impact of addiction on families in our community. At the end of the evening the community audience engaged a panel of local experts in important dialogue about many related issues: law enforcement, rehabilitation, prevention, treatment, acceptance.
Community Showing, 7.22.14, Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, VT
As part of the Vermont Pride Summer Theater Festival, Hannaís film, “Are We Accepting,” will open an evening showing of another powerful documentary, “The Laramie Project.” 7 PM, July 22nd.
To Arrange a Showing
Please contact any of us for more information or to arrange a showing.
Deb Lary, Health Educator, Randolph Union
T. Elijah Hawkes, Co-Principal, Randolph Union
Johanna Straavaldsen, Prevent Child Abuse VT
Scott Miller, Education Project Coordinator & Digital Media Instructor, Vermont Folklife Center
Arrange a Showing
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